Saturday, October 23, 2010

एक ख्याल ...

आज ... मेरे मन में एक ख्याल आया। आया, कुछ देर ठहरा ... और चला गया| उसके आने में एक उत्सुकता थी, एक नयापन ... मुझ में कुछ बदलना चाहता था। पर शायद मैं उसके लिए तैयार नहीं था। उसके ठहराव में एक अजीब सी झुंझलाहट थी, बेचैनी थी। मेरे मन के भीतर लड़ता, झगड़ता ... कभी जीतता, कभी हारता ... खुद को बचाता रहा। मगर आखिरकार ... हार गया ... चला गया। उसके जाने में एक निराशा थी, बेबसी थी। अपने अरमानों को मुझमें अधूरा छोड़ गया। पर उनके साथ ही एक ख्वाहिश भी ... कि कभी एक ख्याल फिर आयेगा, एक नए जोश के साथ। और जीतेगा ... मुझे खुद में ढाल देगा। एक दिन ... ज़रूर।

Thursday, October 14, 2010

IITB Student Senate: A first glance

Recently, we have been presented with the proposal of a 'Student Senate'. I took some time to look at it and review it personally. Let me start with a few key points from the proposal:

1. 32 Senators (including all 5 GSs) with representation from UG/PG batches, MI, TF, Ecell, ISMP etc.

2. A President nominated from among the previous year's senators by the outgoing executive committee (President and 5 GSs)

3. Removal of general elections for Institute Secretaries. They shall be selected by an electorate (group of people) recommended by the ex-GS.

4. Senate reviews, evaluates and challenges the work of Institute councils, Independent bodies or IBs(MI, TF, Ecell), Media bodies, ISMP, SARC, Placement Cell.

5. The Senate works through committees (both permanent and temporary) whose members, in almost all cases, are senators appointed by the President.

6. All bodies submit periodic reports to the Senate for review.

7. Formalised impeachment procedure for all Institute post holders.

8. DoSA can veto any Senate decision.

9. Videos and minutes shall be made publicly available.

Some of the finer points can be looked at in the proposal sent by DoSA. However, a few of the finer points are missing. This leads me to concerns section of this post:

1. PoRs for PoRs: The purpose of this body is to keep a check on and increase accountability of PoRs. However, in turn, it creates more PoRs which might fall into the same pit.

2. President's Rule: The Senate President is too powerful.
  • He appoints the Vice-President (consulting the GSs).
  • He also appoints members to all the Senate committees.
  • The President chairs the meetings which allows him to bar any senator from a meeting owing to misconduct. The repetition of misconduct leads to impeachment which means he can impeach any senator all by himself.
  • The impeachment procedure for the President is not mentioned in the proposal. Although it says all senators can be impeached by the process mentioned, it makes no mention of how a President is to be re-elected if impeached and subsequent appointment of committee members and the Vice-President.
  • He has a casting vote in split decisions.
  • The President's permission is required for a lot of cases.
3. Emergency Committee: Perhaps the most intriguing section of the proposal. The committee is supposed to represent the Senate in emergency. The proposal mentions that the an emergency meeting can be called by any senator. It is not specified whether the emergency meeting is attended only by the emergency committee (and perhaps the senator calling the meeting) or by all available senators. Being attended only by the emergency committee gives an undue advantage to the members of this committee between two meetings. The committee has as members, 5 GSs, the President, the Vice President (appointed by the President), 4 other senators(appointed by the President). This, quite literally, is President's Rule between two meetings of the Senate. The proposal makes no mention of whether decisions taken in emergency will be reviewed by the Senate in its next meeting. Further more, the videos for these meetings might not be available as that is the task of the steering committee. However, if the meeting is to be attended by all available senators, then the emergency committee does not need to be there at all. The only thing the committee can achieve in such a case is the postponement of an emergency meeting by 30 minutes. The postponement occurs when the 75% quorum of the committee is not met in an emergency meeting. After the postponement, the meeting continues irrespective of the quorum (for lack of a better word, I guess). Also, an emergency meeting can be called only by approval from the President.

4. Vague Vested Powers: The powers vested in the Senate are not specified in the proposal. Since the Senate also acts as a judicial body apart from a legislative one, the lack of a penal code might create confusion. The Senate would make arbitrary decisions in case of offences by institute bodies. These decisions were made by the DoSA until now and I fear they will be of the same kind. This also raises doubts on fairness of decisions towards two similar offences in absence of a fixed directive on fines and penalties.

5. There are some other concerns like removal of general elections for Institute Secretaries. But, I am hopeful about the positive aspects they have to offer.

On a positive note, the proposal does give the opportunity to students to handle things within themselves. The accountability of GSs and the Institute Council is indeed a problem that needs to be fixed. The institute could have taken the task in its own hands by disrupting the institute-independence of IBs and other bodies. However, it has decided to throw the ball in our court (apart from the veto power to the DoSA which is reasonable). I think this is a more favourable choice as far as students are concerned. As for the proposal, I am sure a lot of thought has gone into it. Some changes need to be made, which I guess will surface in the open houses. The first few Senates will be crucial as they will have to set stereotypes on the types of decisions to be made. It should stabilise from there on.
Overall, I appreciate the intent of the proposal from the part of the institute. However, for it to work, these PoRs need to be more than just resume points. Anyhow, I would not be able to witness the working Senate as I graduate next year, or so I hope.

Note: The pronoun 'he' shall be read as 'he/she' by all feminists.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Had A Life!

The world, you know, is a crazy place,
Crazier people and the craziest race.
Try all you can - cheat, lie and sin,
The race is one you cannot win.

Some are slow, some too fast,
But none still is first or last.
It takes some time to clear the haze,
Come to terms with this wonderful maze.

All have strived and I too tried,
With a knife, I built my pride.
Moved ahead, I made my way,
To keep the pace, I had to slay.

Until one day, when I couldn't flee,
The mirror of time caught hold of me.
My past I stared, shaken but still.
What I had become at my will.

Far away from those who care,
Nothing to give, nothing to share.
Memories all left on the shelf,
Worse still, I had lost myself.

But soon, I left my shell of gold,
Sailing towards those merry days old.
Meeting people just as a young boy,
In gardens of love and peace and joy.

The race, it wasn't meant to be won,
Best I could do was not to run.
I took the flowers and threw the knife,
For once, I thought I had a life.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Two years into my college days,
I put together this simple rhyme
To tell you what my memory says -
I'll always cherish my school time

I wish, but know its all in vain,
I want to go to school again.

The recess time and canteen treat,
The endless chatter in the bus,
The cultural week and green house meet,
Homework, punishment and all that fuss.

Moments so innocent, simple and plain,
Remind me of my school again.

Uniform checks during assemblies,
Filing up for the march past drills,
The kabaddi* games during half-yearlies,
Tying the knot in the winter chills,

Today, at the risk of sounding insane,
I want those times at school again.

Whatever I am and I will be,
Teachers, friends, I owe it to you.
When in school, I wanted to flee,
I'll miss it so much I never knew.

Enjoy this time as much as you can,
You'll never get back to school again.

Today I want to be where I was,
When I wanted to be where I am.
Now I can answer without a pause
What I wish and who I am

Dear friends, I am Mehul Jain
And I wish to go to school again.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Adventures of an HTTP request

(This is a poem I wrote as part of my computer networks assignment. Yes! it was a graded course submission. Non-CS junta or CS junta until sophie year, you might not get the technical part of it. Enjoy it nevertheless.)

Bits and bits cut into blocks,
To serve my master firefox.
Into the network stack I jump,
And meet the officer TCPdump.

In good faith, it is I guess,
It chops me down with great finesse.
A cap and number it gives to all.
One by one, then, down we fall.

The journey ends, we don't know where.
To tell us comes the network layer.
How often life presents this thought,
The goal is clear but the path is not.

A friend in need is a friend indeed
The data link shows us the next lead,
"Bridges and routers you'll meet on your way,
If all goes well, then win you may."

Time has come for the journey of pride,
Or is it really a roller-coaster ride.
As oblivious as those helpless dopes,
We slide down the copper ropes.

If an enemy show up on the path,
Both will have to face the wrath.
Worse still, they mess up the cost,
Into the void you will be lost.

All hope and pray in my song,
I finally end my journey long.
Weeping for all my brothers that died.
Waiting until their clones arrived.

The twins of network and data link,
Find us all healthy and pink.
The numbers we had are not in vain,
TCP brings us together again.

The HTTP server is a step away,
What more do I need to say.
Now, as I have achieved my aim,
Generations to come will do the same.